Ski Your Pass Off
Chantal Kane has skied nearly every day of the season for 20 years.
When Chantal Kane lost her husband to a fatal bike accident in 2002, she made the decision to ski every day, for him and for herself.
“I actually found it pretty easy because I was so committed mainly to do that for him as he was an avid skier,” Chantal says of the 2002/2003 ski season where she logged 143 days.
Chantal, 66, has skied nearly every day of the season for almost 20 years now. “My motto is still take one day at a time as anything can happen,” she says.

Steamboat’s Ski Your Pass Off challenge brings much-deserved rockstar recognition to those who ski every day in a season by honoring them with a western belt buckle noting their number of days on the hill and showering them in swag from sponsors like Smartwool and Yeti. Thousands of locals and visitors gather for an end-of-season concert and awards ceremony to cheer on these incredible athletes and dedicated mountain enthusiasts!
We caught up with Chantal and she was gracious enough to share her story:
Why do you do it?
I do it because I can physically. I have the time, being retired. I love it. I can say that I met 70% of my local friends on a chair lift.
Is this a solo mission?
I go alone or with friends. The goal is to go!
Where do you like to ski?
I ski the whole mountain except for the chutes. I am not comfortable on too steep of terrain anymore. I tele-skied years ago and did a lot of the backcountry then. I ski a lot slower and I am more careful being older. Over the full season, I probably ski 3.5 to 4 hours a day on average.

How do you stay motivated?
Easily. I feel so lucky to be able to do what I do. I ski by choice, no obligation.
Your must-have gear?
I love my Stöckli (Swiss skis). Warm clothes are first priority. I usually carry an energy bar but rarely eat it, only if I ski all day. I only wear nylons in my ski boots. I broke down last year and bought some heated mittens and added batteries to heat my feet.
Finish this sentence: I couldn’t do it without my…
Fitness. I train year-round 5 to 8 hours a day. My main activities are skiing, swimming, sea kayaking, biking and rowing.
What’s the most rewarding part?
Trying and sometimes succeeding to inspire others to appreciate all that we have.