SSRC to Create Employer-Based Childcare
Steamboat Ski Resort is stepping up to find solutions to the childcare crisis in Routt County.
To take a lead role to address a big issue facing our community, Steamboat Ski Resort is stepping up to find solutions to the childcare crisis in Routt County by taking the first steps to create an employer-based childcare facility. Targeted to open in late 2022, the resort will begin the process of opening a facility by hiring a director and working through the process of designating a location, acquiring permitting and licensing, hiring staff and other logistics to open a new daycare. SSRC is one of only a handful of ski resorts to offer this crucial benefit to parents who work at the resort, and is one of eight Colorado businesses selected to participate in a one-of-a-kind design lab for employer-based early childhood education centers through Executives Partnering to Invest in Children (EPIC) which will help the resort guide the development process. Providing childcare to SSRC staff is expected to free up to 35 childcare spaces in Routt County, considered a childcare desert by the Colorado Office of Early Childhood.
“Steamboat Ski Resort has long been known as a top family resort, now we are standing by our brand by supporting our staff families and building a community of the littlest Steamboat team members,” said Rob Perlman, president and COO of Steamboat Ski & Resort Corporation. “We recognize there are many issues facing our community, and this is a big first step for the resort to support families in the valley. While this looks like a benefit just for our staff, the impacts are far reaching. Childcare is often a barrier in recruitment and retainment for the resort, and an employer-based facility can eliminate that hurdle for mothers and fathers wanting to work here. The staff benefits because they are able to find quality childcare provided by us, and the community benefits because new spaces for childcare are available at local facilities where SSRC staff members previously took their children. We hope this is a win for everyone and it’s a commitment to our future.”
Steamboat Ski & Resort Corporation opened its doors to the Steamboat Child Care Center in December 2022. To learn more about the center, visit